Knowledge Matters

GUT Flora and Healthy Aging

Feb 28, 2020 5:00:33 PM

GUT Flora and Healthy Aging

AS we age we know our bodies change and adjust.  ALL bodies change slightly differently, depending on genetics, sex and lifestyle.  On thing that is for sure common to ALL aging, is the food absorption capabilities.

Growing and Developing Children

Feb 28, 2020 2:56:20 PM

Growing and Developing Children

Why is Motor Skills Development so important?

All children have rapid changes in development in their CNS (Central Nervous System) as they age. In brief…the CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord. The CNS uses sensory receptors throughout the body to assist movement. Movement is motor function...

Cold weather metabolism

Feb 27, 2020 2:11:27 PM

Cold weather metabolism

A common effect of cold weather in regions where it is COLDER, is for people to do less physical exercise.

WHY is this?

Osteopathy - how it helps those repetitive strain (RSI's) injuries.

Feb 24, 2020 4:42:38 PM

Osteopathy - how it helps those repetitive strain (RSI's) injuries.

Common problems for all of us... You may not realize how your sitting position injures you. An Osteopath is the best treatment, along with exercise therapies to reduce RSI pain and weakness.

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