Call it what you want, “putting your back out”, “a bad back”, or “getting old” its all the same when you want to function better with less pain. Back problems seem inevitable for us humans. I recall a university course I took on human evolution that proposed that “we are not fully erect yet” therefore our spines and pelvis are still evolving to walk upright effectively. An interesting theory, one I have never forgotten; as I observe family, many clients and friends having suffered from varying degrees of back problems.
Over the past 12 months or so with lockdowns and increasing sedentary lifestyles, we have noted that 8/10 persons either client, patient or companions have reported some sort of back problem!
The lifetime prevalence of non-specific (common) low back pain is estimated at 60% to 70% in industrialized countries. Much higher is those with pre-susceptible conditions.*1
This is staggering considering none of these are injury related back problems!
What are back problems?
When we speak of our back, we are actually mainly referring to our spinal column. Anything lateral (attached to sides) to it is affected as well, depending on the condition of the spine joints.
There are many categorized conditions of the spine, one can have, that cause negative effects. A back problem is ‘a problem in either or all the biomechanics, neurology and musculature’ within and around the spine.
Some conditions arise from a problem such as these:
Scoliosis, Spondolysis, Stenosis, Disc degeneration (DDD), Disc herniation, Arthritis, Sciatica
Why are spine issues so bothersome?
Our back is actually compromised of our spinal column which connects our skull and pelvis at opposite ends. Imagine, how much goes on between those two areas that causes adjustments!
If a single vertebra is rotated even a degree or two ‘abnormally’ then the counteraction throughout the spine and corresponding muscles to compensate is amazing. NOW in most instances, this is an unfelt situation for the person, however in the presence of such things as low hydration, nerve impingement, weak muscles, aged frailty, imbalanced mechanics or injury it can cause PAIN and DYSFUNCTION.
Solutions and compromises
There is a shift in placing less emphasis on pharmacological and surgical interventions in the care of back pain. “… there is not consensus on the efficacy of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for this condition. We performed a systematic review with meta-analysis to determine the efficacy and safety of NSAIDs for spinal pain.”*2
As a result, more natural and effective solutions are being utilized, with greater long-term positive effects. Remember a drug (“as band aid”) still requires the body to repair itself or be assisted to do so.
Here are some examples of solutions and compromises:
*1 WHO, priority papers 6.24, 2013
*2 Ann Rheum Dis. 2017 Jul;76(7):1269-1278.Epub 2017 Feb 2.
*3 Rainville, Hartigan “exercise as a treatment for lower back pain” Vol4,Iss1, Pg106-115, Jan 2/04